Agonda is one of the more pristine beaches in south Goa, India where Susan and Dian would have an occasional break from the busy north, where they live and run a guest house. It’s an exceptionally beautiful place, still devoid of the usual concrete blocks, that usually come along with tourism. Instead the guests live in huts and smaller establishments, and open air restaurants line the beach. But as the annual business season waned, Susan noticed the plight of the ever increasing dog population: once the restaurants were closed, there were no leftovers to feed on. Puppies and older dogs nurtured over the season by the tourists, were suddenly left to fend on their own.
So she started a monsoon feeding program and treated individual dogs for mange, and other parasites. They adopted some puppies and re-homed others to friends; but there is only so much they could do as individuals . . . so the idea arose to set up an NGO to help the animals in a professional manner.
Then, after they met Brendy, a veterinary nurse, with ample experience from the renowned Natuurhulpcenter in Belgium, who agreed to be the shelter manager, a charitable trust was registered, and so ASA Animal Shelter Agonda was born on 24.April 2015.
And the search for a site began. But no suitable structure in Agonda could be found, so eventually a beautiful, peaceful 5000m2 plot on a cashew plantation in neighbouring Cola was leased, only 4 km from Agonda beach. But the construction of a purpose built shelter would take time and the animals needed help immediately. So for three years they operated out of a temporary location, and by October’18 the new shelter was ready.
When sick and injured animals get brought to the shelter, or we get calls to visit them on site, our shelter manager assesses them first. Non-serious conditions will be treated and released immediately, whereas serious cases will be kept at the shelter where a care and treatment plan will be followed, providing the best medical care for each animal. Cases that require surgery will be handled by one of our veterinarians Dr. Myron D Costa. Life threatning cases will be treated at ASA under care of dr. Myron and nurse Brendy.
Certain days are specifically dedicated to sterilizations. Animals that have been earmarked over the week will be collected the day before, and kept to ensure they have an empty stomach, to be able to be operated. After recovery they will be handed over to the owner, or, in case of strays, will be released at the same place they were captured.
We charge pet-owners who can afford to pay 1,500rps for male sterilizations and 2,000rps for female – we do not charge those who can not afford to pay, or anyone that brings a stray animal to us.
All animals that are treated by us will be vaccinated against rabies, still one of the rampant problems in India.
We charge pet-owners that can afford to pay a minimal charge of 100rps for Rabies vaccinations – we do not charge those who can not afford to pay.
We charge pet owners 800rps for the 7-in-1 vaccination which protects against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Corona Viral Enteritis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus and Leptospirosis.
All rescued puppies and kittens, and animals not fit enough to survive in the wild eventually need to find new homes. Some are adopted outright by responsible owners, others need to be monitored once in a while, as some people aren’t educated enough to really understand what it entails to be a pet owner.
In the monsoon food gets scarce on the beach belt, as most restaurants shut down, and the animals become solely dependant on handouts. So we involve the help of the local community to operate a feeding program in these dire times, and have for the last ten years.
We generally try to foster a humane attitude in the community towards all creatures alive, and the nature they depend on: not to harm, mistreat or kill any beings.

How you can Help
We rely fully on YOUR help to make this shelter project possible. There are a number of ways you can help:
- Dog and cat biscuits
- Dog shampoo and flea powder
- Feeding bowls in all sizes
- Blankets and towels
- Newspapers
- Animal Cages
- Medical equipment & materials
- Veterinary medicines (De-worming tabs, Rabies injections, etc.)
- EVERYONE can help us with this, whether you are a tourist already here, a tourist about to come to Agonda/Cola, an Indian who lives here, or a Foreigner who lives here. Please contact us about our present, most urgent requirements.
- Donate via our Amazon Wish List
We are a fully official Charitable Trust with 12A and 80G certification by the Income Tax Dept. (Exemptions) But ASA receives no government funding, and relies on your donations only, to buy medicines, food and collars, cages, and salaries for the assistants and the vet. In addition, we require funds to develop the main shelter, which includes fencing, levelling of the hilly terrain, and construction of the buildings. As we now have our FRCA Account we can accept donations from both inside and outside of India. Please send donations to:
Indian Nationals Donations only
Account Name: ASA Animal Shelter Agonda
Account No. 50200014971691
Bank: HDFC
IFSC Code: HDFC0000372
Address: Calangute Branch
Donations from outside of India
If making a donation to this FCRA account, please send an email to [email protected] with your full name and email address. Thank you!
Account Name: ASA Animal Shelter Agonda Account No. 40117321016 (FCRA Current Account)
Bank: SBI
Branch Code: 00691
IFSC Code: SBIN0000691
Address: FCRA Cell, 4th Floor, State Bank of India, New Delhi Main Branch, 11 Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110001
ASA Registered Office address: Marbella Guest House no.77 Sinquerim Candolim Goa 403515
Donations from the UK
Animal Shelter Agonda UK is a UK registered charity. Our charity registration number with the Charity Commission is 1198825
Account name: Animal Shelter Agonda UK
Bank: Metro Bank
Account number: 45880257
Sort Code: 23-05-80
IBAN: GB70MYMB23058045880257
If you are an Indian National who owns a business in India, please email us – [email protected] for details on how you can sponsor ASA.
- Help is always required around the shelter.
- Feeding and grooming animals
- Play with the puppies and walk the dogs
- Care and maintenance of the shelter
- Assist in administrative work
- Short-term volunteering: Whilst you are here on holiday, we always welcome volunteers; there is always something to do.
Long term volunteering: Until ASA2 is up and running we are unable to take on any long term volunteers; but please check for updates on this
If you are an Indian Business, you can help to organize fund raisers to support our cause.
For example, one can organize musical events, Guesthouses could offer a complimentary night, or restaurants a meal, to be given away in a raffle. . . . Be creative, find out how you can make a difference!
But don’t rescue puppies just because their mother is not around, she may just be out looking for food. Make sure their ribs are showing prominently, as a sign of starvation. If not, they have better a chance of survival with mother’s milk, as it builds up their immune system. And think about the trauma, when your babies would be snatched.
ASA’s Income Tax Certifications: